Sunday, September 11, 2016

Dear Daddies of Little Ones...

Dear Daddies of Little Ones,

First off, let me say that YES, you are perfectly capable of caring for your children.

I am not going to try and change your ways.  Yes, you may do things differently and that is perfectly fine with me.

After thirteen years and three children, I've learned to let my husband do things his way.

Ok, I admit I may have complained about some things on occasion... But that's 'coz my little one couldn't sleep very well that night because of the SCARY movie she was allowed to watch!

I'm sorry, I digressed!

What was I saying?  Oh yes, I'm not going to try and change your ways...

But can I just please make a suggestion? I swear, it's not a big deal!  Just a teeny, tiny suggestion...


Yes, Band-aids!  Can you please just keep one or two in your wallet and maybe some in the glove compartment of your car?

Because, I SWEAR, there is something MAGICAL about Band-aids!  Once that Band-aid is on your little one's boo-boo, all the BOO-HOO-ing will STOP!  Seriously!  I am a mom of three and have been a Kindergarten teacher.  I've witnessed the magic of Band-aids!

Now the reason I felt compelled to write this letter is because twice in one week I encountered a dad with a little one in need of a Band-aid.

The first time it happened, my girls and I were at the mall.  We happened to pass by a dad with his little boy and a couple of other little ones.  His boy was bleeding on the forehead and the poor frazzled dad was going through a whole bunch of napkins and his son's shirt was all bloodied. I couldn't just walk away without offering any help.  And, of course, I didn't have just Band-Aids in my purse; I also had Neosporin and hand wipes.

The boy had ran into a table corner and they were waiting for mall security to bring a first aid kit.  The poor boy was, of course, crying his eyes out.  But once he got some Band-aids, he calmed down.  Poor Daddy, too, felt better!

The second incident was only a few days later.  This happened at Supercuts, while my girls were waiting to get their back-to-school haircuts.  A dad and his son were seated at the bench near us.  Somehow, the boy (who may have been 7 or 8) got a cut on his leg.  Or maybe he had a scab that he accidentally scratched.

Anyway, the boy would not stop complaining to his dad about it.  But guess what happened after I offered him a Band-aid?  Yup, felt better instantly!

I'm telling you, Daddies... MAGIC!!!

Ok, so you might be one of those Daddies that want their kids to be tough.  That's cool!  But you can at least think of it as a sanitary issue.  You gotta keep germs out of your kids' wounds.  And you gotta keep your kids' blood and germs away from other people.

So, if you don't want to give your child a Band-Aid as a comfort, at least do it for sanitary purposes.

And it's so easy to do.  Just put one or two in your wallet.  That's it.  Easy, right?

Well, Daddies, thank you for letting me make my tiny suggestion.  Carry on...

Oh wait, one more thing...

YOU ROCK!!!  There is nothing sweeter - and sexier - than a Daddy taking care of his children!

So keep rockin' that Daddy hat!