Friday, August 12, 2016

Life is short.. Let's give it our best shot...

Today, a former student teacher made me cry.

We had reconnected on Facebook and she thanked me for my patience and guidance so many, many years ago.  After I read her comment, I literally broke down in tears.  (Good thing that wasn't in person or that would have been very awkward!)

Maybe I'm just emotional today.  Maybe I'm hormonal. 

Maybe I'm still grieving for the end of my teaching career.

Maybe I was feeling humbled to be acknowledged and appreciated by this successful person who used to be my student teacher.

Maybe it just felt really good to know that I somehow contributed, in very small part, to this young woman's career as a teacher and change-maker.

Whatever the reason(s), this has strengthened my resolve to do more, to do better in life.  I want to be able to look back and say I've made a difference.  I don't need to be famous or wealthy or even super successful.  I simply want to make a difference in people's lives.

So today, I grieve for no longer having the platform of teaching to make a difference. 

But I understand there are other ways to do so.

My most important role right now is being a mom to my girls.  And being a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

And just like in teaching, I have good days and I have bad days.  I make mistakes, but I try my best to learn from them.  And just like I did with teaching, I give my all.

In whatever endeavor comes next, I will give my all. 

Life is short... Let's give it our best shot. Even if we don't hit the target on the first try. Or the 2nd... Or the 3rd... Let's give Life our all.

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